May 31, 2017

FRAGILE MORTALS, the new band that combines hip-hop legend Darryl "DMC" McDaniels (RUN-D.M.C.) with the metal group GENERATION KILL — featuring vocalist Rob Dukes (ex-EXODUS) and bassist Rob Moschetti (ex-PRO-PAIN, M.O.D.) — has released a new song called "Whispers Of Death". The official photo video for the track can be seen below.

FRAGILE MORTALS previously released two singles, "Fired Up" and "Suicide", last year via Bumblefoot Music, the record label of artist/producer Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal (ART OF ANARCHY, ex-GUNS N' ROSES),who also produced and added additional guitar solos to the tracks. "Suicide" is also featured in the audio version of DMC's memoir, "Ten Ways Not To Commit Suicide", which came out last July.

All three songs are expected to appear on FRAGILE MORTALS' full-length debut, "The Dark Project", due later in the year.

Stemming from a chance meeting between Dukes and DMC, an initial one-track collaboration for a DMC solo album turned into a full-on force, as FRAGILE MORTALS was born. The band then recruited the ear of Thal as producer, and their combined creative vision has allowed the band to grow further than expected. Lending the occasional guitar riff and solo to the tracks, Ron's contributions earned him the title of unofficial seventh member.

Addressing issues ranging from suicide, drug abuse, prostitution, life and death, and racism, "The Dark Project" also offers a glimmer of hope and light at the end of a gritty tunnel, exposing the darker side of humanity without glorifying it in any way.

FRAGILE MORTALS offers the listener an intellectual look into real-world issues, as the music takes you on a journey, serving as the soundtrack to this all-too-real story.

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